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Every effort was made to provide a comprehensive overview of the impact and challenges facing young people, however, not all of the issues or realities have been captured. This paper recognizes the need for further work and research.

Furthermore, the impact has not been equal across all youth. Young people are diverse in who they are, how they identify and where they live. Throughout the publication, an intersectional and equity lens has been applied to examine and present the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on diverse equity-deserving youth. While every effort was made to reflect the realities of many diverse equity-deserving youth in each of the areas examined, this paper will not be exhaustive of all experiences and perspectives. Additional and dedicated work should be undertaken to raise awareness of the unique challenges and solutions to support youth who are marginalized and face chronic systemic barriers, such as Black, Indigenous, and racialized youth, youth out of care, young women, youth living with a mental illness, youth living in rural and remote communities, immigrant youth, youth experiencing homelessness, 2SLGBTQIAA+ youth, youth with disabilities, and youth involved with the justice system.

We see our report as a starting point and as a way to spark conversations across the country on how we can prevent a lockdown generation. It will look different in every community and sector - we invite you to imagine an action plan to support young people in post-pandemic recovery for your context.

Please get in touch - we welcome feedback, suggestions and opportunities to collaborate.